I believe as a Christian that there are things that are black and white (ex: ONE WAY TO HEAVEN!) and there are things that must be decided for your family based on much prayer because the Bible does not speak directly to these topics, or the topic is dependent on the person and their situation. Growing up my mom would called these things "twinkie" things. They might not actually aid in your spiritual growth but if used all the time or without care, they can be harmful. Twinkies are not bad if eaten every once in while, but if you depend on the twinkie to live then you will have problems. I have picked out a few topics that I have been seeing a lot of talk about on Facebook or within the Christian community.
**Please remember these are my opinions and how I feel God has led our family.**
Princess VS Not Princess
Earlier today I read a blog from someone I knew talking about their opinion on whether or not to let their daughter play with princesses and princess stuff. This particular person was not against it but brought up the point that some people are, because it brings an unrealistic view of life to a girl, by making them feel they have to look a certain way and that they must wait for a prince to sweep them off their feet on a white horse, taking away their independence and making them rely on a man. I agree there is a fairy tale that goes along with princesses. Chances are most of us girls will never look like Cinderella and our husbands will most likely not be perfect like Prince Charming. However, in my opinion I think all girls should feel like a princess. They should feel loved and special. They should want to wait for the one God has for them, and in my opinion, if they wait, they will look at him and see their Prince Charming. I also see nothing wrong with teach a girl that she must depend on someone. I agree that girls need to be able to do things for themselves, but there is nothing wrong with them depending on a husband to protect and provide for them. I do! Also, we must remember that marriage is a picture of Christ and His Church. His church has to depend on Him to live. So, in my opinion I see nothing wrong with allowing girls to be princesses and look up to Cinderella and Belle. However, like the twinkie, if they are drawing their self worth from these fictional characters and not for what God has for them, we might want to rethink. In our family we focus on our princess being a child of THE KING, and that does make her a princess!
Stay Home VS Working
I believe this will always be a battle among women. There was a time when women were expected to stay home and take care of the kids. They were not respected as equal to men and were not given a chance at working outside the home. However, we must also keep in mind that during this time, they also were in charge of not only cooking and cleaning, but actually harvesting the food, preparing it to be cooked, and then washing everything by hand when done. They had to sew their kids clothes and then hand wash all clothes, as well has hang dry everything. It was HARD WORK! I do not believe that the Bible say, "Women must stay home with their children". I do believe that the Bible is very clear about the job of the women, that is take care of her family. This looks different in every family, and even differs from season to season. There was season in our family's life that to be helpmate God called me to be and to help take care of my family, I needed to work full time outside of the home, so I did. It was hard, but I did it. Now, God has led our family to a season where I am home full time, homeschooling our children and it is also hard. My sister-in-law is such an awesome mom to my niece and nephew, but God has called her to be a school counselor. The calling she has is the same as mine. She loves and takes care of her family and is obedient to God. He has given her what she needs to do what He has called her to do, just like He has given me what I need to do what He has called me to do. As women we must stop judging each other! Every family dynamic is different and "taking care" of your family WILL look different than what it looks like to take care of my family. However, I do think that when a women's job is more important that taking care of her family, then a line has been crossed. I believe this type of women is the one who is working to get away from her family, or working to have MORE and she might want to pray about what it is God would like her to do to make things right. Again, just my opinion.
Home school VS Public or Private School
This is a huge debate right now. There is one group who says "you MUST home school if you love your children, because public (or private) schools are bad and will ruin your children." There is another group that says, "home school families are weird and they are neglecting the social aspect of school and life." In my opinion BOTH are WRONG! Where your child goes to school is between you and God. In fact, I say, "If God has not called you to home school your children, DON'T!" I believe there are tons of positives to homeschooling when compared to "regular school". However, I also believe that there needs to be a Christian influence in school too. I know God has called me to home school my children for now. Will this change? It might! If God tells me to put my kids in a regular school setting, I will. If He tells me to home school through high school, I might fight it, but I will. Again, we need to pray for each other. Moms, if you do not home school, pray for us that do. It's HARD! And, us moms that home school, we need to pray for moms who put their babies on a bus, or drop them up at a public or private school. They have their struggles too!
Santa VS No Santa
This is my favorite debate! Every year around Christmas, which is my favorite time of the year by the way, I get asked from at least one person, "So, do ya'll do santa?" LOL! YES!! We do Santa! Before my kids were born, my husband and I decided that we would never make Santa bigger than God and that we would never lie about Santa. We also promised each other that if Santa came between our children and their walk with the Lord we would nix it. Needless to say, Santa is a well-loved man at our house, but my kids know that Santa is dad and that the only person who knows everything they think and do is God. They also know that we give because God gave to us. Santa is just a fun way for Lee and I to give to them, but the best gift at Christmas is the one God gave us, Jesus. I believe that if Santa is the center of Christmas, then He needs to go. However, I also believe that there is nothing wrong with Santa either.