Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I am not sure about all the moms of little girls (and big girls) who read my blog, my princess is a screamer, sometimes squealer! I have learned to how to read screams so that I know if something is really an emergency or not.  One thing I know is that my princess has this one scream, it is more like a squeal, that comes out of her mouth when she is scared or hurt.  It is my signal to drop what I am doing and run!

Today, I got both kids settled doing this and hopped in the shower (this is a wonderful thing I can do now that they are older).  I was finishing my shower when I heard "The Scream"!  I heard, "MOMMY!" and my heart began to pound!  I was in the shower!  What was wrong? Was someone in my house? Was she hurt?  I began to scream back, "I am coming! Are you okay? Tori!  Are you okay?".  As I am screaming back I am racing to get the soap off and rush out of my bathroom.  If there was some one in my house, I was going to scare them, because they were going to see me naked!  As I am racing, my heart about to come out of my chest, because I knew something serious was wrong, I hear this little voice scream back...and you will never believe what I heard....I heard this...

"Mommy I can't find any pants to wear!"

WHAT?!?!?!  She used her "I am dying" scream because she can't find pants!!!  My heart was still beating fast, but I was no longer scared, I was mad!  I couldn't believe it!  I rushed my shower for that!  UGH!!  This girl drama is going to kill me!

Of course I can laugh about it and share it.  I hope I am not the only one who has been fooled by their princess.  I would love to hear your stories.  Share them in the comments!

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